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#1 am 27.07.2016 um 10:56 Uhr

Braxton Hicks contractions usually subside when a woman changes her position . Increase in Vaginal Discharge Signs and symptoms of labor also include an increase in vaginal discharge a few days or weeks before delivery.v tight gel

The discharge will change from being thick and cloudy to clear and watery. But if it has a yellow tinge, then it can indicate the presence of an infection. Lower Back Pain As the baby drops lower and gets heavier, it puts more and more pressure on the lower back and the pelvic region. To prepare the body for childbirth, the uterine and the pelvic ligaments also get stretched. All these factors can cause increased pain in the lower back area a few days prior to delivery. The 'Bloody Show' The 'bloody show' is the outcome of the dilation of the cervix, and the resulting dislodgement of the mucus plug that seals the cervical canal throughout pregnancy. The dislodged mucus plug comes out of the vagina, which can be pink or blood-tinged, and stringy to thick in consistency. Some women may also experience an V-Tight Gel Reviews increase in blood-tinged vaginal discharge before delivery. The presence of a small amount of blood in the mucus is normal, which can be caused due to the rupture of the tiny blood vessels of the cervix, when the cervix thins or starts to dilate.


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