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Well. Remember to buy a good quality eye Seite: « 1 »
#1 am 20.02.2017 um 16:06 Uhr Diesen Beitrag zitieren

Well. Remember to buy a good quality eye makeup remover so as to clean off the mascara before sleeping. Most mascaras Apex Voluminous Lash will need to wiped off with makeup remover only. This step will also ensure that your lashes are cleaned and no residue of this Read more at Buzzle: of these were available in powder and cake. They were dry and pressed into a container, and the contents were applied by adding a drop of water. Unlike the recent liquid mascaras that come Apex Voluminous Lash with a wand, these were applied with the help of a cake mascara brush. A few makeup brands still produce cake.

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